PDN for Digital Scrapbooking
PDN is short for Paint Dot Net, a FREE photo editing & image creating software.
I love a FREE image editing graphics software I continue to remain addicted to. It’s called "Paint Dot Net" or "PDN".
I use Paint Dot Net anytime I feel inspired to make digital scrapbook layouts (and for a ton of other things). I do not get paid, in any way, by Paint Dot Net for sharing my appreciation and use of it.
I started this website because, for as often as I have searched, nobody in the digital scrapbooking community teaches tutorials using PDN. I thought eventually someone would, but, I still haven’t found any, and if they are out there I hope I can shed a brighter light on them.
The banner above offers small glimpses of much larger creations I made using PDN, with a limited knowledge of all it can do.
I am, in no way, a PDN guru or digital scrapbooking know-it-all. I still have a lot to learn with both, but at the same time I know enough to create nice digital scrapbook layouts. PDN was incredibly easy to get the hang of. People often comment on layouts I have made and have requested me to make digital scrapbook layouts for their meaningful photos.
You don’t have to buy ANY software to make digital scrapbook layouts, commonly used in large photo books at places like Shutterfly, Snapfish, Walgreen’s, Costco, Walmart, and more. You can make layouts in whatever size you want and print your 8″ x 10″ or smaller creations on most household printers, frame them then display them, which is the route I go 90% of the time.
I’m going to share basic tutorials on what I do with examples of digital scrapbook pages I have previously created and will create using Paint Dot Net. Since I can’t find anyone else who offers digital scrapbooking tutes with PDN, I guess you’re stuck with me until that changes. I will also share links to related tutorials written by some of the pros at the Paint Dot Net official forum. Should any knowledgeable users of PDN graciously create tutorials specifically for scrapbooking, I will add those links, too.
My whole point for creating this website is to educate people about how useful and easy PDN is within the digital scrapbook community.
Even if you don’t have a printer you can still make endless digital scrapbook pages to use for computer wallpaper or pass them to others by email or cell phone.
You do NOT have to have Adobe or Corel software to make beautiful digital scrapbook creations. They certainly accomplish numerous functions, but so does PDN. Don’t be fooled thinking Paint Dot Net cannot easily create beautiful quality digital scrapbook layouts. Plus, it’s free and comes with many plug-ins and add-ons.
As if that isn’t enough, incredible people are constantly making it do more amazing things, on top of their jobs, family, and daily life demands. They put their hearts into PDN‘s development. There is a lot to admire about the blood, sweat, and tears of the developers who make and give such a gift to the world. I also appreciate the way they protect the integrity of the software and the way they regulate the creation of endless plug-ins to protect the PDN users from viruses.
I created a site on Pinterest solely for linking to this website with a lot of helpful resources in a very easy way to sort through numerous Paint Dot Net tutorials, plugins, patterns, textures, brushes, and more. https://www.pinterest.com/pdnscrapbooking/
Questions or comments may be directed to pdnscrapbooking@gmail.com

Text effects are often used in digital scrapbooking. It's easy to make decorative and fun text with Paint Dot Net. Above & below are simple examples.