PDN for Digital Scrapbooking
PDN is short for Paint Dot Net, a FREE photo editing & image creating software.
Free ShapeMaker Shape Packs
For Use Within Paint.Net
In time I will make and offer more digital kits or digital .png collections but on this download page I'm going to offer shape packs made by me using free Paint.Net graphics software and one of its free plugins called ShapeMaker (link takes you to the forum where the plugin is located).
Within each zip file for you to use are the easy instructions of what file within the installed Paint.Net application to place each shape file into. Once you do, you open Paint.net, go to the tool window (step 16) and at the very bottom where you see a tiny circle, square, and triangle, click on it. It's called the "Shapes" tool.
If you have Paint.Net already open, look at the very top right area, where you see a small hammer icon. Clicking on that makes the "tool window" either appear or go away. Once you click on or activate (same thing) the Shape tool within the tool window, you also have activated use of various shapes (located in upper left area of Paint.Net). Below this brief instructional of how to find and use different shapes will be free shape packs (templates) for you to download. The TOU (terms of use) for them are that you can have them to make your own shapes but you cannot claim them as your own or try to sell them. They are FREE. These free shape packs (templates), and more, can also be found under the Shapes topic of the official Paint.Net forum.
Once you have selected a shape to use, you then hold down your left mouse/curser button and drag the shape the size you want it, large or small. You can alter the thickness and colors of it ONLY while the dots are showing around it, letting you know it is still active. Once the shape is the size and color you want, click on the gray area that is not the canvas to keep that shape the way you want it. I tend to choose my colors prior to making the shape but experiment around with the whole process to get the hang of things.
Click here for the link to Paint.Net's free plugin, "ShapeMaker".
Scroll to the bottom of the first post. The actual plugin is a .zip file titled, "DHShapeMaker.zip" , There you will also find technical instruction manuals.
Click here to go to two easy to follow video tutorials:

This is your "Tool Window". Click on the very bottom, I have it numbered as 21. Once you do, you activate the rest of the shape tools as shown and located on the upper left side of Paint.Net

Below are free shape packs (templates) for you to download and use. I have so many more FREE kits HERE. Tengo muchos más kits GRATUITOS que no se muestran. Para verlos y obtenerlos haga clic AQUÍ.
Click on the below images for a larger, more detailed viewing. All shapes were created from scratch using ShapeMaker Plugin. Make & share some of your shapes (templates), too.
For those who know nothing about Day of the Dead, it is a celebration of life for those loved ones who have died, as opposed to sadness and morning. The dead want their friends and family to feel comforted knowing they are not alone but with other loved ones.
Here is a National Geographic link about it:
Sugar Skull (Calavera) - Dia de los Muertos
Download HERE

Birthday images Shape Pack
Download HERE
Lahzara Dragon Shape, entire image created with Paint.net.......Download HERE
Gears Pack 1
Download HERE
Snowflake Pack
Download HERE
Christmas Card Shape Pack 2
Download HERE
Polar Bears Shape Pack. I created the entire image using Paint.Net
Download HERE
Gears Pack 2
Download HERE
Christmas Card Shape Pack 1
Download HERE
Snowglobe Shape Pack
Download HERE
Gear Pack 3 - Add On
Download HERE
Ho Ho Ho Shape Pack
Download HERE

Vegvisir shape pack. 2 files. Download HERE

Harry Potter shapes. There are 15 .xaml files. Download HERE

For Halloween, a loving mom letting her children and the family pet know that no magic is allowed until she returns. There are 4 .xaml shapes. Download HERE

A fun Halloween night shape pack! There are children, dogs, haunted houses, a cemetery, trees, and more. Download HERE.

Happy Halloween! There are over 30 .xaml files to use for various projects or as a base image for making or using digital scrap kits, decorations, graphics, cards, invitations, and more. There are haunted houses, cob webs, pumpkins, pumpkin faces, cemetery items, witches, monsters, ghosts, vampires, hats, trees, and more. Download HERE