PDN for Digital Scrapbooking
PDN is short for Paint Dot Net, a FREE photo editing & image creating software.
Free "Legends of Love" Digital Scrap Kit
For February, aka, Valentine's Day, or simply for those who are romantics, I used Paint.Net, only, to create this FREE huge kit I named "Bogie and Bacall Legends of Love" digital scrap kit. It's packed with many papers in different sizes and numerous elements, frames, and even some wordart to get you going. I chose it because I developed an appreciation for some of the old black and white films. I have also grown to love a few of the legendary greats of that time. Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall is a Hollywood legendary love story. They are a part of this kits theme but not the entire kit.
There are many variations of layouts you can make with this kit. The elements, alone, can be used in numerous ways in and out of the kit. As always, I'm still learning how to use Paint.Net but I'm a little better than when I first started this site. Paint.Net is probably the easiest powerful graphics software to get the hang of, which was the entire point of making this website, and it is entirely FREE with hundreds of FREE plug-ins! In a time when something valuable, useful, and amazing is free, with no strings, how can I not want to share my appreciation of it and those who have contributed to its growth. Many brilliant and talented people keep PDN growing and powerful.
The TOU (terms of use) for this kit is personal use only.
Here are some sample layouts from this "Bogie and Bacall Legends of Love" digital scrap kit made solely using PDN by me, purely for demonstration purposes to show how cool PDN is--and I'm not even that good at this, but I am trying and learning as I go. If anyone else out there would be willing to make a website about digital scrapbooking using Paint.Net you would be a super star in my eyes. I still have so much to learn about creating digital scrap kits and using Paint.Net. However, I'm sharing what I do know in case it may be helpful to another.
All images and papers are the standard 300 dpi and are 12"x12" and 8"x10". I have also made QPs (quick pages). QPs are layouts already made. You simply insert your photo. Since this huge kit is made up of 300 dpi resolution images (HUGE IMAGES), you can choose to leave your Paint.Net settings to the default of 96 dpi upon first opening PDN. No need to reset it to 300 if your photos are somewhat small in size/resolution. Simply drag down the digital kit images to the smaller size of the "canvas". See my "Making a Layout" page for how to use Paint.Net with digital scrap kits and your photos to create your own 8"x10" or 5"x7" layouts then easily print out on your home computer (or work if allowed) if you want to go that route. For one or two printed images it shouldn't be too much of a drain on your ink.
Sample layouts below created from the "Bogie and Bacall Legends of Love" digital Scrap kit. I also show different effects that can be used on each layout. That means you can do cool things to your photos taken from your mobile phone or digital camera. Plus, Paint.Net uses .psd files, .pat files, .8bf files (photoshop files)....and more!

The image above is the original finished layout I put together from the kit.

Once my layout was completed and saved as a .jpg or .png, I ran it through Paint.Net's effects
using one of the StewienFilters.

The image above is the original finished layout I put together from the kit.

Once my layout was completed and saved as a .jpg or .png, I ran it through one of the StewienFilters.

After layout was completed & saved I ran it through Paint.Net's Ed Harvey plugin pack using the Cross Processing filter.

Completed layout was saved to a .jpg then I used another StewienFilter & an Ed Harvey plugin pack Soft Portrait filter.

The image above is the original finished layout I put together from the kit.

After layout was completed/saved to a ,jpg or .png I ran it through one of PDN's Photoshop filters; the 8bf plugin using Harry's Filter's 4.0 (also free).

After layout was completed/saved to a ,jpg or .png I ran it through one of PDN's Photoshop filters; the 8bf plugin using Harry's Filter's 4.0 (also free).

After layout was completed/saved to a ,jpg or .png I ran it through one of PDN's Photoshop filters; the 8bf plugin using Harry's Filter's 4.0 (also free).

The image above is the original finished layout I put together from the kit.

After layout was completed/saved to a ,jpg or .png I ran it through one of PDN's Photoshop filters; the 8bf plugin using Harry's Filter's 4.0 (also free).

After layout was completed/saved to a ,jpg or .png I ran it through one of PDN's Photoshop filters; the 8bf plugin using Harry's Filter's 4.0 (also free) then Ed Harvey's Soften Portrait filter.
Go to the next page for more info and downloads regarding this kit.