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El día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) FREE Digital Scrap Kit 300 dpi Made Entirely Using Paint.Net, a Free Software.

This is another FREE digital scrap kit, a big one, made entirely using a very cool FREE software called Paint.Net. It has 100s of FREE plug-ins. The previous page contains FREE papel picado downloads.  So many people still do not know anything or much about a huge holiday called "Dia de los Muertos" (Day of the Dead) or they think it is a Mexican version of Halloween, which it is not. Both holidays are back to back. Both seem to involve the color orange representing a significant symbol. Both deal with skeletons, coffins, and death. Halloween is mostly about horror, gore, Satan, vampires, monsters, zombies, simulating maiming,slaughtering,  killing, or choosing a cute costume, begging for candy, and parties. Dia de los Muertos (DDLM) is a time to celebrate the lives of loved ones who have died, in a positive way, involving respect, laughter, music, dancing, and fond memories. Please learn more about it if you do not know that much about it.


The TOU (terms of use) are for personal use only, as I do not own the rights to some of the elements or photos used in this kit created for educational and demonstrative purposes but I do own the rights to and created many items within this kit.


If you ever wanted to draw a sugar skull, dog sugar skull, cat sugar skull, or any kind of sugar skull, but you have no drawing abilities, with the "ShapeMaker" Paint.Net plug-in, you can now draw just about anything you want to draw. Here are a few of my sugar skull related items I made using ShapeMaker. Soon I will upload my recently created cat and dog sugar skull but for now, here is my FREE digital scrap kit creations for Dia de los Muertos.

Este hermoso kit gratuito tiene más de 130 piezas. Mi regalo para tí. This kit has over 100 elements and over 30 pieces of digital scrap paper in sizes 5"x7", 8"x10", and mostly 12"x12", 300 dpi.

Dos diseños de muestra. Here are two sample 12" x12" layouts I made from my kit.

A continuación se muestran cuatro diseños de página gratuitos para usted. Below are four (4) free 12"x12" photo layouts (quickpages) in .png format created easily in my Dia de los Muertos FREE digital scrap kit. All you do is add your photos.

Estos cuatro diseños son gratuitos. All four (4) of these assembled photo page (quick page) layouts can be

downloaded HERE   Descargar aquí  .

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